Nathan Jandl

Reconciling Nature: Literary Representations of the Natural, 1876-1945
Review of Robert M. Myers's Reconciling Nature: Literary Representations of the Natural, 1876-1945.

Sustainable Affect: The Social Roots of Environmental Attachment in DeLillo's White Noise
Peer-reviewed essay on Don DeLillo's novel, White Noise, published in Modern Philology.
Link to preview (please contact me for full PDF if you don't have institutional access)

Review: The Habit of Rivers, by Ted Leeson
My 2014 review of Ted Leeson's 1994 masterpiece, The Habit of Rivers: Reflections on Trout Streams and Fly Fishing, written for The Believer.

Should Environmentalists Learn to Take A Joke?
Review of Nicole Seymour's Bad Environmentalism: Irony and Irreverence in the Ecological Age.

Review: The Great Derangement, by Amitav Ghosh
Review of Amitav Ghosh's The Great Derangement: Climate Change and the Unthinkable.

Short narrative nonfiction piece in Ninth Letter about masculinity, boredom, and violence.

Narrative nonfiction essay in Midwestern Gothic about the 2011 protests at the Wisconsin capitol.